What is an ACA Plan?

ACA stands for Affordable Care Act; This was a health care policy enacted in 2010 that set new standards for health insurance in the United States. Individuals can apply for a new ACA insurance plans during open enrollment (November 1st- December 15th in most states) Surrogates can enroll outside the enrollment period if they have a qualifying event including loss of health care coverage, moving, getting married, getting divorced or change of employment with health insurance not being offered).


The amount you pay for the Surrogate’s health insurance every month to stay active. These are the payments made to the insurance provider for the cost of coverage.


Each year every policy has an amount you pay for covered health care services before the insurance plan starts to pay. After you pay the deductible, you usually only pay co-payments for covered services.

Out of Pocket Costs

Every plan is different, the maximum out of pocket cost s set by the policy and normally is based on the calendar year. These expenses refer to the portion of the bill that the insurance company does not cover, and the Intended Parents must pay. This includes deductibles and copays.

Co- Payments

This is a fixed amount the Surrogate will pay on behalf of the Intended Parents for covered health care services that must be paid after the deductible is met.

Medical Liens

Some health insurance companies are applying medical liens for women acting as Surrogates. Medical liens are the right of a healthcare provider or insurer to assert an interest in their patients’ personal injury recoveries. Usually, 33% of the Surrogates compensation.